Spring is a woman

Aleksandra Hanusik

Published 21.03.2024

2 min reading time


With the first day of spring, we have prepared a short report on the employment structure in our company in the context of best practices. We focused our attention on women and their contribution to the success of Visline.


Since the company was founded, over 15 years ago, we have worked best in mixed teams. Safe and efficient transport is the result of the efforts of almost 150 employees, of which just over half, or 51%, are women. Similar proportions are maintained in specialist positions, among which women hold a majority of 57 to 52. Small differences can also be observed at the top management level, where 58% of managerial positions are occupied by women.



At Visline, we apply a policy of equality in every area. Our employees, regardless of gender and origin, are rewarded at the same level, according to the same principles. This is confirmed each year in the results of the job satisfaction survey. From the latest report, presented in 2023, it appears that 87% of women and 79% of men are satisfied or very satisfied with their salary level.



In every area of the company’s operation, we strictly adhere to the rules in line with the ISO:9001 quality standard. As part of the certification, we have developed guidelines on anti-discrimination and anti-bullying policies, which clearly define the procedures and scope of employee protection against actions contrary to our organizational culture.

Additionally, a CSR Leader oversees all standards, while also being a person to whom any employee can turn for help or report a violation of the standards.

On the occasion of the first rays of the spring sun, we wish all Visline customers and employees – warmth!

Aleksandra Hanusik

Chief of Staff